Many people seek nutrional advice for many reasons - healing, weight loss, looking and feeling younger, etc. The problem is that people put way too much faith in "professional" advice, without putting it through any sort of critical analysis.
I think the best way to verify if someone is giving sound advice in this area is to observe how they live. Do they look healthy? Are they vibrant? Would you like to look and feel like they do?
Doctors are not nutritionists. They did not go to school for nutrition. They went to school to administer drugs or perform surgery, that's it. And all of these "studys" on nutritonal facts change all the time, and we can't see the scientists who work on them anyway.
Its like following directions on a map just by looking at the directions, and not also looking at the road. You have to move the steering wheel according to the road. The directions just make sure you take the right turns.
If you propose to a doctor that you might be healed by a change of diet and fasting, they will say "No no no, impossible. But here - eat these pills!"
People need more faith in their own instincts when it comes to health. If you sense that something works for you and makes you feel good, its probably on the right track, despite if a "professional" tells you otherwise.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Where do you get YOUR protein?
When people hear that I cut meat out of my diet, the question I most often hear first is "So, where do you get your protein?"
No I don't get it from meat (or soy either, for that matter). However, here is not to explain my source, but rather to question yours - Where do you get YOUR protein?
In his 900 cat experiment, Francis M. Pottenger fed three groups of cats accordingly:
Check it out for real.
No I don't get it from meat (or soy either, for that matter). However, here is not to explain my source, but rather to question yours - Where do you get YOUR protein?
In his 900 cat experiment, Francis M. Pottenger fed three groups of cats accordingly:
- All raw meat
- 2/3 raw meat
- 2/3 cooked meat
Read the article. But basically the cats eating all raw meat were the healthiest while the cats on the cooked meat begain to develop many degenerative diseases, including weakness, shortened life span, and even blindness early in life.
More intriguing than the results, however, is the discovered cause: the cooked meat became deficient of Taurine, which was destroyed during the cooking process. Today, they add the taurine back into the cooked cat foods and the cats (seemingly) do just fine. (Note: Iams skirts around the real issue of cooking).
So who suppliments "fresh" amino acids back into your meat?
Our society preaches a religously close relationship between our protein needs as human beings and eating meat. We are taught this from birth and it is reinforced by school system, media, and the government all our lives. However many people, including myself, would argue that this association is not a coincidence.
We can reason that we do not actually get all the protein we need from the meat that we eat. Not only is much of it destroyed during the cooking process, but the remaining amino acids (if any) are bound together and made extremely difficult for the consumer to digest, and thus actually use.
Believing that eating cooked meat will fulfill your protein needs is ridiculous, and if the industry ever becomes less profitable, or enough people die from cancer and other diseases, then people will wake up and add this notion to the list of old wives tales.
Check it out for real.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Don't Blame CVS
Yesterday I signed a petition in Philadelphia against CVS selling expired baby food.
Now, I think this is an atrocity and that's why I signed the petition. However I also believe that we can do much better. Why limit our demands to "non-expired" food? How about demanding higher quality food? How about demanding the best? Isn't that what our children deserve?
News flash: you're not going to get the best at CVS. You're not going to get it in little single-serving packages that have been sitting on the shelf for three weeks with a picture of someone else's baby on the front. No one out there can deliver the highest quality food for your baby in this manner. When it comes to feeding our kids (and parenting in general), we can't throw up our hands and point to someone else in a white coat who claims to know best.
Take responsibility. If we don't, then who will? Not CVS, or anyone.
We should at least take responsibiliy for our precious children. How hard is it to blend up some real fresh fruit? Make a baby-sized bottle of real juice? Feed our children real food? Hey, you could even go the extra mile and buy organic. Why feed your kid any amount of poison?
We all have a choice, and that's fine. However, we shouldn't inculcate our children with choices that we have already made, especially the ones we know are wrong. We shouldn't ruin their body before they even have a chance to decide what they want to do with it. We should teach them to choose - so if you want to make chemical additives and disgusting processed foods part of your regular diet, that's fine - but don't ruin it for your kids.
Parents: take some initiative and stop being so pathetically lazy.
Now, I think this is an atrocity and that's why I signed the petition. However I also believe that we can do much better. Why limit our demands to "non-expired" food? How about demanding higher quality food? How about demanding the best? Isn't that what our children deserve?
News flash: you're not going to get the best at CVS. You're not going to get it in little single-serving packages that have been sitting on the shelf for three weeks with a picture of someone else's baby on the front. No one out there can deliver the highest quality food for your baby in this manner. When it comes to feeding our kids (and parenting in general), we can't throw up our hands and point to someone else in a white coat who claims to know best.
Take responsibility. If we don't, then who will? Not CVS, or anyone.
We should at least take responsibiliy for our precious children. How hard is it to blend up some real fresh fruit? Make a baby-sized bottle of real juice? Feed our children real food? Hey, you could even go the extra mile and buy organic. Why feed your kid any amount of poison?
We all have a choice, and that's fine. However, we shouldn't inculcate our children with choices that we have already made, especially the ones we know are wrong. We shouldn't ruin their body before they even have a chance to decide what they want to do with it. We should teach them to choose - so if you want to make chemical additives and disgusting processed foods part of your regular diet, that's fine - but don't ruin it for your kids.
Parents: take some initiative and stop being so pathetically lazy.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
High metabolism is not the answer!
What is the right metabolism? Is there a best for everyone, or is it different for each person?
There are weight loss techniques which advocate the consumption of many "small" meals, six to eight, per day. The goal being to provide the metabolism with constant stimulation, which consequently speeds it up and forces the body to work much harder all the time. This work causes weight loss. And indeed, doing this could give someone some success, and fast. It makes sense.
This is the opposite approach that sumo wrestlers take to their diet, in which they try to gain as much weight as possible. Check out an interesting article Here.
I would guess that most Americans are on the Sumo Wrestler diet, especially the aspect of eating late at night. I personally used to consume one or two huge meals every night, one immediately before going to bed. However while it was at the expense of my energy levels next day (though I didn't realize it at the time), I never gained any weight from it. My metabolism was too high.
I was like many youths, the ones who can frequently be seen eating huge meals many times a day, maybe eight times or more. And it isn't even all good food, a lot of it is junk. I used to eat 1800 to 2500 calories of Tasty Kakes every day during lunch, and then later in the day go run six miles during cross country practice. People like this are the envy of today's society, the ones who can eat all they want and not gain any weight from it. There are countless obese people who would love to have this problem. Despite my athletic build, I probably ate more than many obese people.
However, despite the fact that this trait is praised because of its enabling of guiltless, though costly, gluttony, striving for or keeping a high metabolism is absolutely not good. And I care about you so I will tell you why.
Imagine your body is a car. Purposefully speeding up your metabolism is like placing a pile of bricks on the gas pedal and letting your car go speeding away. The engine of your car will wear out very quickly, and likewise your body will out wear if you make it work too hard.
You see, a "high metabolism" isn't a magical black hole in your body that makes you fit and trim. It is your body working too hard. And while it might be convenient and without immediate consequence at first, eventually it will catch up with you.
Whether you are a person trying to lose weight, or someone who enjoys being able to eat whatever they want and remain skinny, or someone who is underweight - whoever you are, this applies to you.
The sumo wrestlers are actually on the right track - low metabolism is key. However, they abuse it for purposes of gaining enourmous amounts of weight.
The healthiest long-term goal is to achieve a very low metabolism. Think about it - which is better for your heart, having a high or low blood pressure? We do not want our body to have to work hard. We want to make it as easy as possible for our body do carry out all of its functions.
There are mainly two problems in regard to this topic. The first occurs when people achieve, or are simply born with, a low metabolism, but then eat a very high number of calories every day. That is to say, they overeat. The consequense to this is weight gain and lack of energy. Long term, it could take some years off your life span and make the aging process much more extreme then it has to be. The second problem is equally damaging, though it isn't as visually obvious. It is when a person has a very high metabolism and overeats. They are still overeating, their body is just working it off. In many ways, an obese person and an underweight person have exactly the same problem.
There is no way to get around it - in order to achieve the best health, you will have to eat in moderation. And moderate portions are nothing like we often see today, let me tell you. It might be something that each person must learn for himself, but I think we can all agree that as a society we eat too much, and without stating an exact amount, most of us would do very well to eat a good deal less overall, and much much less processed junk foods.
It doesn't matter if you are an athlete running marathons or a sedentary couch potato. The ultimate goal is to have a very low metabolism and eat very little (or rather, the goal is to get your body to a place where it requires very little and then abstain from overeating). The paths for each of us to get there will certainly be different, however we must all realize what is best and make sure that the path we choose ends up taking us as close to that as possible.
Like I said, I used to eat a ton of food every day. A ton. During high school I would eat two lunches every day (not including the Tastykakes from the vending machine). I would actually be late to class from eating so much. But I was very athletic and in great shape. At 6 feet tall, I weighed about 160 pounds. Then during college I got into the weight lifting thing, and gained about 15 pounds of muscle. During this time I still had an outrageously high metabolism and ate many times a day. At year two of college I converted my diet to raw vegan. Over the course of about six months I lost about twenty pounds. That's a drop from 175 to 155. Looking back I can guess that this was because I was eating more easily digestible food but still had a high metabolism, so everything that I ate was quickly burned up. At first I didn't even lower calories that much, if at all. However, now it has been a year and my weight is back up to 170. I eat two to three meals a day, which aren't exactly small but are much smaller than they used to be. And they are raw foods, so its much MUCH easier to digest.
Why did I gain the weight back? Though I am not a professional, my insight tells me that my metabolism has slowed way down. Indeed, I actually have a little stomach fat again, and from eating mostly fruit only! So for a while I had to act on faith, but now my body seems to be finishing its chemical adjustment to the new diet - what I believed and hoped would happen finally has.
This serves merely as an example. With this article I do not wish push the raw vegan diet exactly, however it is important for us to realize three things about diet:
1) Moderation is always necessary. No diet can be healthy long-term if it advocates gluttony (eating whatever you want, whenever you want, however much you want). You cannot avoid it, some self-discipline will be involved. But let me assure you that developing this discipline will be much more rewarding and meaningful in the end, and it won't be hard forever.
2) The best diet will allow you to develop a slow metabolism and thrive on very little food. It might be a long process for you to discover what this diet is. I have discovered it to be raw foods, but that is the ultimate of diets. One can still achieve great success from a diet on a different place on the transitional scale. It all depends on how good you want to feel and what your personal views and experiences tell you.
3) The healthiest methods to improve one's physical condition take time and faith. It took me a whole year to readjust and recover from the miserable way I used to eat, and even now I don't think I'm fully adjusted. There might be "quick fixes", but if your goal is long term health and happiness, then no quick fix will be as satisfying and successful as a meaningful lifestyle change based on temperance and openness to the truth.
There are weight loss techniques which advocate the consumption of many "small" meals, six to eight, per day. The goal being to provide the metabolism with constant stimulation, which consequently speeds it up and forces the body to work much harder all the time. This work causes weight loss. And indeed, doing this could give someone some success, and fast. It makes sense.
This is the opposite approach that sumo wrestlers take to their diet, in which they try to gain as much weight as possible. Check out an interesting article Here.
I would guess that most Americans are on the Sumo Wrestler diet, especially the aspect of eating late at night. I personally used to consume one or two huge meals every night, one immediately before going to bed. However while it was at the expense of my energy levels next day (though I didn't realize it at the time), I never gained any weight from it. My metabolism was too high.
I was like many youths, the ones who can frequently be seen eating huge meals many times a day, maybe eight times or more. And it isn't even all good food, a lot of it is junk. I used to eat 1800 to 2500 calories of Tasty Kakes every day during lunch, and then later in the day go run six miles during cross country practice. People like this are the envy of today's society, the ones who can eat all they want and not gain any weight from it. There are countless obese people who would love to have this problem. Despite my athletic build, I probably ate more than many obese people.
However, despite the fact that this trait is praised because of its enabling of guiltless, though costly, gluttony, striving for or keeping a high metabolism is absolutely not good. And I care about you so I will tell you why.
Imagine your body is a car. Purposefully speeding up your metabolism is like placing a pile of bricks on the gas pedal and letting your car go speeding away. The engine of your car will wear out very quickly, and likewise your body will out wear if you make it work too hard.
You see, a "high metabolism" isn't a magical black hole in your body that makes you fit and trim. It is your body working too hard. And while it might be convenient and without immediate consequence at first, eventually it will catch up with you.
Whether you are a person trying to lose weight, or someone who enjoys being able to eat whatever they want and remain skinny, or someone who is underweight - whoever you are, this applies to you.
The sumo wrestlers are actually on the right track - low metabolism is key. However, they abuse it for purposes of gaining enourmous amounts of weight.
The healthiest long-term goal is to achieve a very low metabolism. Think about it - which is better for your heart, having a high or low blood pressure? We do not want our body to have to work hard. We want to make it as easy as possible for our body do carry out all of its functions.
There are mainly two problems in regard to this topic. The first occurs when people achieve, or are simply born with, a low metabolism, but then eat a very high number of calories every day. That is to say, they overeat. The consequense to this is weight gain and lack of energy. Long term, it could take some years off your life span and make the aging process much more extreme then it has to be. The second problem is equally damaging, though it isn't as visually obvious. It is when a person has a very high metabolism and overeats. They are still overeating, their body is just working it off. In many ways, an obese person and an underweight person have exactly the same problem.
There is no way to get around it - in order to achieve the best health, you will have to eat in moderation. And moderate portions are nothing like we often see today, let me tell you. It might be something that each person must learn for himself, but I think we can all agree that as a society we eat too much, and without stating an exact amount, most of us would do very well to eat a good deal less overall, and much much less processed junk foods.
It doesn't matter if you are an athlete running marathons or a sedentary couch potato. The ultimate goal is to have a very low metabolism and eat very little (or rather, the goal is to get your body to a place where it requires very little and then abstain from overeating). The paths for each of us to get there will certainly be different, however we must all realize what is best and make sure that the path we choose ends up taking us as close to that as possible.
Like I said, I used to eat a ton of food every day. A ton. During high school I would eat two lunches every day (not including the Tastykakes from the vending machine). I would actually be late to class from eating so much. But I was very athletic and in great shape. At 6 feet tall, I weighed about 160 pounds. Then during college I got into the weight lifting thing, and gained about 15 pounds of muscle. During this time I still had an outrageously high metabolism and ate many times a day. At year two of college I converted my diet to raw vegan. Over the course of about six months I lost about twenty pounds. That's a drop from 175 to 155. Looking back I can guess that this was because I was eating more easily digestible food but still had a high metabolism, so everything that I ate was quickly burned up. At first I didn't even lower calories that much, if at all. However, now it has been a year and my weight is back up to 170. I eat two to three meals a day, which aren't exactly small but are much smaller than they used to be. And they are raw foods, so its much MUCH easier to digest.
Why did I gain the weight back? Though I am not a professional, my insight tells me that my metabolism has slowed way down. Indeed, I actually have a little stomach fat again, and from eating mostly fruit only! So for a while I had to act on faith, but now my body seems to be finishing its chemical adjustment to the new diet - what I believed and hoped would happen finally has.
This serves merely as an example. With this article I do not wish push the raw vegan diet exactly, however it is important for us to realize three things about diet:
1) Moderation is always necessary. No diet can be healthy long-term if it advocates gluttony (eating whatever you want, whenever you want, however much you want). You cannot avoid it, some self-discipline will be involved. But let me assure you that developing this discipline will be much more rewarding and meaningful in the end, and it won't be hard forever.
2) The best diet will allow you to develop a slow metabolism and thrive on very little food. It might be a long process for you to discover what this diet is. I have discovered it to be raw foods, but that is the ultimate of diets. One can still achieve great success from a diet on a different place on the transitional scale. It all depends on how good you want to feel and what your personal views and experiences tell you.
3) The healthiest methods to improve one's physical condition take time and faith. It took me a whole year to readjust and recover from the miserable way I used to eat, and even now I don't think I'm fully adjusted. There might be "quick fixes", but if your goal is long term health and happiness, then no quick fix will be as satisfying and successful as a meaningful lifestyle change based on temperance and openness to the truth.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Fallacy of Counting Calories
I'll begin by saying that counting calories can be a great method to begin a transition into a healthy state. It could help someone who tends to overeat to ease back, or some who undereats to pick it up.
However, there is a huge misconception regarding calories and nutrition. There are those who believe that they can calculate their caloric requirements based on their own physical body, i.e. gender, weight, amount of exercise and this is exactly how much they need. Worse yet, there are those that believe that they need 2,000 calories per day, only a guideline given to use by the government.
Logically, we can reason why this is false. The ideal is to be able to tell how much food to eat based on feeling, once we have detoxified and learned to read our body correctly.
Someone who counts calories is totally disregarding the quality of food that they are eating. For example, one could get 2,000 calories in a single sitting just by eating a box of donuts. Does that mean that that they are good to go nutritionally?
That is extreme and obvious example, but then consider if one day you get most of your calories from grains and pasta. Cereal for breakfast, bagels and a salad for lunch, spaghetti for dinner. Is that the same as eating fruit for every meal? Which is easier to digest and assimilate, fruit or pasta? (a small bit of research will give you an obvious answer)
There are two more factors that affect how much food we need to eat:
1) The quality of the food.
2) Our ability to assimilate nutrients from that food.
You could even be eating the best food in the world, but if your digestive system is so messed up that you can't get all the nutrients out, then you still won't see great results. You might still have to eat much more to compensate for the waste. On the contrary, if you have begun the journey to health and healing, you might find that you require less food because of your body's growing efficiency in extracting the nutrients.
If you eat pizza for every meal one day and then fruit and salad for every meal the next day, do you really think that you will be getting all the nutrients out of the fruit? No! Your system is still in shock from all that toxic food the day before. And for that matter, most of it is probably still inside of you. Now consider a lifetime of poor and unnatural eating habits. How much are you really getting from the occasional "healthy" meal? Chances are that your ability to assimilate nutrients is so bad that yes, you might need a ton of calories every day.
The goal is to not eat too little or too much. Eat too little and you might not feel the best. However, overeating is equally bad if not worse, because then your body has to process all of that extra food, and that processing requires a great amount of energy! Some people think the more they eat the more energy they have. I used to think this, and it is just simply not true. It doesn't matter how high quality the food is. If you are filling your car up with gas, then it has a limit. Well, we have a limit too! Unfortunately, while the car will simply overflow, we MUST process that extra food.
If you are a healthy person then you do not need to eat that much. Human beings might be able to survive on large quantities of unnatural food, but we thrive on much smaller portions of fresh living foods. This doesn't mean that anyone can begin to cut down their portions and start feeling better. First you have to increase the quality of your diet by REMOVING the harmful foods and replacing them with fresh living foods. Then it might be a gradual process while your body heals and rebuilds its facility to efficiently process the food you eat.
However, there is a huge misconception regarding calories and nutrition. There are those who believe that they can calculate their caloric requirements based on their own physical body, i.e. gender, weight, amount of exercise and this is exactly how much they need. Worse yet, there are those that believe that they need 2,000 calories per day, only a guideline given to use by the government.
Logically, we can reason why this is false. The ideal is to be able to tell how much food to eat based on feeling, once we have detoxified and learned to read our body correctly.
Someone who counts calories is totally disregarding the quality of food that they are eating. For example, one could get 2,000 calories in a single sitting just by eating a box of donuts. Does that mean that that they are good to go nutritionally?
That is extreme and obvious example, but then consider if one day you get most of your calories from grains and pasta. Cereal for breakfast, bagels and a salad for lunch, spaghetti for dinner. Is that the same as eating fruit for every meal? Which is easier to digest and assimilate, fruit or pasta? (a small bit of research will give you an obvious answer)
There are two more factors that affect how much food we need to eat:
1) The quality of the food.
2) Our ability to assimilate nutrients from that food.
You could even be eating the best food in the world, but if your digestive system is so messed up that you can't get all the nutrients out, then you still won't see great results. You might still have to eat much more to compensate for the waste. On the contrary, if you have begun the journey to health and healing, you might find that you require less food because of your body's growing efficiency in extracting the nutrients.
If you eat pizza for every meal one day and then fruit and salad for every meal the next day, do you really think that you will be getting all the nutrients out of the fruit? No! Your system is still in shock from all that toxic food the day before. And for that matter, most of it is probably still inside of you. Now consider a lifetime of poor and unnatural eating habits. How much are you really getting from the occasional "healthy" meal? Chances are that your ability to assimilate nutrients is so bad that yes, you might need a ton of calories every day.
The goal is to not eat too little or too much. Eat too little and you might not feel the best. However, overeating is equally bad if not worse, because then your body has to process all of that extra food, and that processing requires a great amount of energy! Some people think the more they eat the more energy they have. I used to think this, and it is just simply not true. It doesn't matter how high quality the food is. If you are filling your car up with gas, then it has a limit. Well, we have a limit too! Unfortunately, while the car will simply overflow, we MUST process that extra food.
If you are a healthy person then you do not need to eat that much. Human beings might be able to survive on large quantities of unnatural food, but we thrive on much smaller portions of fresh living foods. This doesn't mean that anyone can begin to cut down their portions and start feeling better. First you have to increase the quality of your diet by REMOVING the harmful foods and replacing them with fresh living foods. Then it might be a gradual process while your body heals and rebuilds its facility to efficiently process the food you eat.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Theory on Thirst and Our Natural Diet
I propose that the human being's natural diet (the diet that will enable him or her to achieve the greatest health and vitality) consists of uncooked fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens. This is one piece of evidence for that.
Consider thirst. We have learned growing up that feeling "thirsty" is the first sign of dehydration. In other words, if you are afflicted by thirst then is is too late - your body is not saying "now's the time to drink water", its saying "you should have been drinking more water before".
Now consider hunger. Our understanding of hunger has been denatured if not destroyed by an indulgent culture and an unnatural environment, but we can all basically concede that feeling "hungry" indicates the need to consume food. However, it is not a sign of starvation. Contrary to the need to drink before becoming thirsty, there is no need to eat before we feel hungry. Indeed, it is actually hurtful to eat unless hungry.
So our body tells us when we need to eat, but it does not tell us when we need to drink. This is extremely curious when considering that we will die after about 40 days without food, but only 3 days without water.
Begging question: If water is so critical, then why doesn't our body tell us when we need it? Why does the body prioritize food instead of water?
My conclusion is this: eating our natural diet should satisfy both hunger and thirst. Our food should contain a lot of water so that eating is also hydrating. We have no way to percieve the need for water because our hunger should effectively take care of it.
After transitioning to the raw food diet, I noticed that my water consumption decreased dramatically. I no longer drank glasses of water at a time. I didn't wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning feeling extremely thirsty. I generally do not have any extra water with meals.
When we cook or bake foods, water is being removed. This, along with much other logic, tells us that cooking is not a natural way to consume food, and any food that requires cooking in order for consumption is not part of our natural diet. These types of foods include grains. We do not posses the salivary glands in order to eat grains in its unprocessed form. Imagine trying to swallow a mouthful of flour - you would choke on it! Even eating it in its cooked form, such as bread and pasta, requires a lot of extra water to go with it. Also, the inclusion of meat in our natural diet is not disproved by this logic alone, however raw meat is very risky and even more unhealthy for us to consume. Since we know that cooking meat is not natural, we can perhaps conclude that the consumption of raw meat would only occur naturally in cases of famine, as can be observed with chimpanzees.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Effects of lethargy
This is my own experience.
Have you ever spent the whole day working hard at something, like some sport, hiking, gardening, etc and felt very hungry at the end of the day? Most of us have. Think of a time when you worked really hard (perhaps returned from a day of skiing), and felt like you could eat anything. You could have gulped down the muck from The Matrix and it would have been the most satisfying meal ever. Its a good feeling, eating a meal you really earned. Everything tastes great.
Now also consider a time when you felt really "hungry", but this time you haven't really done anything all day and can't decide what to eat. Perhaps you had a lot of food in the fridge or pantry, but none of it seemed appealing. You had a craving for something else... probably something heavy and fatty. For instance, maybe you had plenty of cheaper/healthier/easier meal options, but instead you went out to get Chinese food or pizza.
What's the difference between these two scenarios?
I think that a big problem with people nowadays, including myself, is that we spend the average day completely inactive. We exert so little energy in our daily routine - wake up, go to work/school, come home, watch TV or hang out with some friends, go to sleep. We spend most of the day in one spot, and if we do go somewhere else, we drive there. This skews the way our cravings are supposed to develop naturally.
What if you went a whole month without eating candy. Would that be hard? If candy isn't your weakness, then try meat, or fried food, or breads, or whatever you might indulge while personally knowing it is nothing but bad news. I have personally worked myself into many corners where I ended up eating foods that I knew weren't the best (and by the best I mean that ones that would be satisfying long-term). I am sure you have too. How come?
My theory is that we are lethargic. Ideally, every meal would be like the first example I gave - after a good deal of physical activity and our "hunger" sense really turned on. No one in their right mind really wants to eat McDonald's after running several miles. However, you might want it after sitting down all day, be it in front of a TV, computer screen, paperwork, in a car, or whatever.
This kind of laziness prevents us from acting naturally. Our bodies make an unnatural shift. It's like the lights go out and we don't how do judge what our bodies are telling us anymore. We need that exercise for more than being "in shape", we need it to regulate our hunger, emotions, and sex drive.
If you are trying to make healthier life choices but it causes you to really struggle all day, do not get discouraged! If "holding back" seems like too much, there's probably more to it than your self-discipline.
There are many many variables because the full answer is an entire lifestyle, but exercise is a very important factor. Long story short - that pizza craving might mean its time to hit the gym. Then, your body might tell you what it really needs. My personal thinking right now is that treats are ok, its not good to create more stress for yourself by being healthier because then it'll just reverse. Health should relieve stress. However, the treats shouldn't be complete garbage, rather perhaps lightly processed but still "good for you" in some ways. However, if you want something that is really junky, do some exercise and see if you still want it afterwards. I'm not talking about doing more exercise so that you can indulge more. I'm talking about doing some exercise so that you can eat and live better. I'll most likely writing more about this later. Good luck!
Friday, March 6, 2009
What I miss
Someone asked me if there were any foods that I missed since changing my diet. After some thought...
I don't miss any foods, I miss feelings that I get from some foods. Example: pizza and cheese. I sometimes "crave" pizza, and yeah, I've given in before on quite a few occasions. In a way, giving in delivers a sense of relief. There's some weird psychology going on there. Why do we desire what we know won't fulfill us, or we know will be a letdown? Regardless, I do have a bit of insight based on my personal experiences.
The foods that I miss most don't even taste that good. They certainly don't make me feel "good" physically (or mentally). For instance, during times of stress I could spend all day thinking about the sensation and "reward" of eating a pizza. Something to look forward to after an unenjoyable, forgettable day; an escape through food, comfort eating. Then, when I finally get it at night, it will have no taste. No special factor. I mean, I don't think to myself "wow, I have really been missing out on this great food." However, I'll sit, downing slice after slice, and sink down into a lesser, more detached, more bearable, state of consciousness - what I really wanted in the first place.
I don't miss any foods, I miss feelings that I get from some foods. Example: pizza and cheese. I sometimes "crave" pizza, and yeah, I've given in before on quite a few occasions. In a way, giving in delivers a sense of relief. There's some weird psychology going on there. Why do we desire what we know won't fulfill us, or we know will be a letdown? Regardless, I do have a bit of insight based on my personal experiences.
The foods that I miss most don't even taste that good. They certainly don't make me feel "good" physically (or mentally). For instance, during times of stress I could spend all day thinking about the sensation and "reward" of eating a pizza. Something to look forward to after an unenjoyable, forgettable day; an escape through food, comfort eating. Then, when I finally get it at night, it will have no taste. No special factor. I mean, I don't think to myself "wow, I have really been missing out on this great food." However, I'll sit, downing slice after slice, and sink down into a lesser, more detached, more bearable, state of consciousness - what I really wanted in the first place.
Now, these attachments are more obvious. A pizza isn't just a pizza, its a step outside of the new diet I've set for myself. Its an act of weakness, of sickness. However, I've come to realize that it has always been this way. Before, when unnatural foods were a regular part of my diet, I just didn't know that any addictions were there. I was just like everyone else around me.
You see, I don't miss the taste of pizza. I don't miss the texture. I miss the feeling. The feeling that goes along with those things. I miss buying it, re-experiencing the nostalgia of past pizza-eating endeavors, the greasiness, swallowing it and feeling it in my stomach, having it down there, sitting heavily, and then I especially like being able to make that feeling grow by repeating that process as many more times as I like. I am disgusted just thinking about it, but that's how I am - that's how a lot of people are, whether they know it or not. I've just become more aware of my subconscious and maybe they haven't yet; maybe they never will. Just having food in your belly makes you feel a certain way. When that food is natural (fruits/veggies), there's almost no sedation factor. When that food is unnatural (any processed food), it becomes a gateway for sedation. Its a certain type of sedation that, for some reason or another, is appealing to people (including myself).
I really think that taste has very little to do with giving up certain foods. Actually, the more I think about it taste has very little to do with eating at all. Giving up processed foods is about giving up the feelings of eating those things. Practicing temperance is not about abstaining from what is bad, its about changing your mind altogether to truly desire what is good.
One interesting note is that I miss very few drinks. Almost none. The only drink I really struggled over was coffee, but that's because of caffeine, and caffeine is another long story for another time. But sodas, juice drinks, sports drinks, etc are basically no struggle for me. I predict that this is because there is little "feeling" from drinks. By that I mean they don't do much to you after you drink them, besides maybe give you a sugar rush. Its not like some heavy cooked foods that give you the feeling of sedation, or being "stuffed".
You see, I don't miss the taste of pizza. I don't miss the texture. I miss the feeling. The feeling that goes along with those things. I miss buying it, re-experiencing the nostalgia of past pizza-eating endeavors, the greasiness, swallowing it and feeling it in my stomach, having it down there, sitting heavily, and then I especially like being able to make that feeling grow by repeating that process as many more times as I like. I am disgusted just thinking about it, but that's how I am - that's how a lot of people are, whether they know it or not. I've just become more aware of my subconscious and maybe they haven't yet; maybe they never will. Just having food in your belly makes you feel a certain way. When that food is natural (fruits/veggies), there's almost no sedation factor. When that food is unnatural (any processed food), it becomes a gateway for sedation. Its a certain type of sedation that, for some reason or another, is appealing to people (including myself).
I really think that taste has very little to do with giving up certain foods. Actually, the more I think about it taste has very little to do with eating at all. Giving up processed foods is about giving up the feelings of eating those things. Practicing temperance is not about abstaining from what is bad, its about changing your mind altogether to truly desire what is good.
One interesting note is that I miss very few drinks. Almost none. The only drink I really struggled over was coffee, but that's because of caffeine, and caffeine is another long story for another time. But sodas, juice drinks, sports drinks, etc are basically no struggle for me. I predict that this is because there is little "feeling" from drinks. By that I mean they don't do much to you after you drink them, besides maybe give you a sugar rush. Its not like some heavy cooked foods that give you the feeling of sedation, or being "stuffed".
What do I conclude from this?
Its all about wanting the right thing. With the raw food diet (or at least a natural-food diet), your body is becoming free - its natural state that our Creator designed it to be in. After years and years of becoming denatured and desensitized to my instincts, this has been very hard. However, it is a continual journey. I am learning to love this natural state. I'm becoming more comfortable with it - always being more alert, in the moment, "aware" of my body and everything around it. I am finding it easier to fight off the desire to sedate myself or become detached from reality, by any means. For you, this could also include oversleeping, watching a lot of TV, watching pornography, general laziness, frequent lateness, never exercising, etc. I am fighting to do away with this desire for sedation altogether, but the most important thing is to know that it exists so that it can be fought at all.
Monday, February 23, 2009
taste is deceptive, part 1
Some background info:
Part 1 will address the first bullet point: If it tastes good, then its ok to eat.
Its hard to take a definite stand on the issue because to me God designed food for us to enjoy. However, we have been so de-natured from years and years of eating horrible unnatural food that our Creator never intended us to eat, so it has become really hard to enjoy foods the way that he wanted us to.
For me, though, I believe that eating to fulfill nutrient needs, i.e. when I am actually hungry, is the best reason to initiate eating, and during that time is when I can give thanks and enjoy the food. Eating this way is when I am the most satisfied physically and emotionally (if you think emotions aren't involved, read the subsequent Parts)
A few fairly popular ideas regarding taste:
- If it tastes good, then its ok to eat.
- If it tastes good but you know its bad for you, then its ok to eat in moderation.
- Food addicts are all fat and overweight.
- If someone is skinny and fit, then they cannot be addicted to food.
Habit: you enjoy doing something, but once you find out it is bad for you, you stop doing it. You "break the habit".Addiction: you enjoy doing something, and once you find out it is bad for you, you make excuses to keep doing that thing.
Part 1 will address the first bullet point: If it tastes good, then its ok to eat.
Even with natural whole food, this notion is FALSE. Let's look at fruit: its juicy, sweet, and delicious. Does this mean that all fruit is OK to eat, in however many quantities that we want? In the past, I would probably say yes. After all, your body knows what it needs, right? But now I am not so sure.
Haven't you ever thought that food might have an agenda?
Let me explain. Fruit has seeds that are spread by the animals that eat it. Fruit "tries" to be eaten so that its seeds will be carried away by the animal, pass through its digestive system, and then end up somewhere else. Its a nice symbiotic relationship, but it raises an interesting question.
If we crave some fruit, is that because of our own body's survival skills, or the fruit's survival skills? In other words, do we actually need the food or is it just tricking us?
It gets even more complicated once you introduce cooking. The whole concept of cooking is to make food taste better. There is no condition in which cooking food makes it better for us. It might make unedible"food" (i.e. food that we shouldn't eat ever) edible, however the heat by definition destroys most of the good stuff along with the bad stuff. Now we're not just fighting natural deception, we are fighting our own deception. Now, it is almost impossible to tell if we want to eat for the right reasons or not because everything that we eat is designed for us to want to eat more.
I was with a group of friends one time and we were eating so I pulled out an avocado and began to eat it. One of my friends gasped in horror, she seemed genuinely concerned that I was eating it without any salt. Looking back, I can see that she was deceived by salt. When she ate avocados, she put salt on hers to make them taste better, and then who knows she could maybe eat two or three whereas without salt she might not even be able to eat all of one.
This is because once you remove the issue of taste, you will never overeat. Think about water - you will never over-drink water because it has no taste. If you feel thirsty, then you drink until your thirst is quenched and no more.
This is because once you remove the issue of taste, you will never overeat. Think about water - you will never over-drink water because it has no taste. If you feel thirsty, then you drink until your thirst is quenched and no more.
Its hard to take a definite stand on the issue because to me God designed food for us to enjoy. However, we have been so de-natured from years and years of eating horrible unnatural food that our Creator never intended us to eat, so it has become really hard to enjoy foods the way that he wanted us to.
For me, though, I believe that eating to fulfill nutrient needs, i.e. when I am actually hungry, is the best reason to initiate eating, and during that time is when I can give thanks and enjoy the food. Eating this way is when I am the most satisfied physically and emotionally (if you think emotions aren't involved, read the subsequent Parts)
I have developed a simple test to determine if I am really hungry, or if I just want to eat. I ask myself this question:
If I was eating something else right now instead of what I'm "craving", would I still want to eat?
What I've been learning is that for me most of the time the answer is NO, just like the salted avocados. Does that mean that I am personally always in the right mindset to act accordingly? No, but I think that admitting that we are deceived by taste is the first step towards realizing dietary health. The next step is wanting to do something about it.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Why I am making this blog
I know two big things in life. Stating them alone like this might seem weird - it is weird to me - because realistically I am a messed up person, and some think that when messed up people talk like we know something, we are just being hypocrites or arrogant. Well, I can't say that I'm not either of those things but I try not to be.
1) I know God. My heartfelt claim is that I know the way to heaven, happiness, salvation, etc. I have been through a few bouts of depression where this concept seemed hopeless but I can honestly say I believe it and live accordingly.
2) I know how to be truly healthy, or at least where to start. I can easily say that most people are doing it wrong and are foolishly (because of lack of education or unwillingness to react to an education) accepting disease/illness.
These are big claims, I know.
Everyone sees life through his or her own pair of eyes. We just can't help it. When we are exposed to a new concept, it is automatically filtered through what we already think we know. Having a truely open mind is almost impossible, especially today with sensational news on TV, propaganda, widespread crime, scandals, etc... you almost have to shut the door on new ideas. That difficulty is also compounded by human weakness and selfishness.
Why am I making this blog? I have found that my knowledge and beliefs cannot be forced on other people.
If you are thinking "no duh, of course you can't MAKE people believe whatever you want", then either you have never really believed in something or you just don't care about other people. I always heard this adage growing up and thought I knew what it meant - you know, be accepting of everybody and stuff like that. Well, its not so simple. The concept really kicked me in the face when I started actually believing in stuff whole-heartedly.
Imagine you had the cure for AIDS. Cancer. Tuberculosis. Imagine you had a real "magic bullet". And once you found this magic cure, what would you do? Of course, you would try to share it with everyone!! You would publish it wherever you could, talk to everyone about it - you would probably never stop talking about it for a very long while.
Ok, that was easy enough to visualize. We daydream about stuff like that all the time, or at least I do - being a superhero and whatnot, helping people. However, in reality no one listens. We all reject the truth unless it is easy. Call it craziness. Refuse that we can change. Now, if you really believed in the cure and you really cared about the people, then surely you would persists in your attempts to deliver the truth, no matter what.
Its hard knowing so much, or thinking you do - "With great power comes great responsibility", and that goes for knowledge too. If I see someone who is depressed or downtrodden I want to tell them about God. If I see someone who is always sick or tired, or who has a disease, I want to tell them about the raw food diet (the diet our Creator designed for us). I get really excited because I have the answers!!! It is so hard for me to keep my big mouth shut! Not only that, but you'd be surprised at how quickly people realize that I am different in those areas - moreso with diet because it’s not every day you see a twenty-something American male downing bananas and salad at a cookout.
So, that's why I've made this blog. I've come to realize that you can only say so much. Here, I write down my petty thoughts that I unfortunately can't zap into people’s minds, which I suppose is for the better. This way, those who know me can only endure maybe two or three rants in person, and the rest of it they can read about (if they actually want to).
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